GoneToTown: The Largest Directory Of Secure Online Shops And Multiple Product Searches Voucher Codes And Promotional Sales Available To You In The Uk And USA, You Can Be Certain Of Finding All The Products You Want Here. Together With An Extensive Choice Of Bargain Holidays, Online Travel Agents, Airline Flights, Financial Loans And All Types Of Insurance Companies To Choose From. All Offering You Their Latest And Best Online Bargains And Discount Prices.
With So Many Shops Listed In One Website All Just Waiting For You The Shopper. Finding The Right Shops You Need Could Not Be Simpler, With Just One Click Of Your Mouse On The Drop Down Menus And You Have Access To Hundreds Of Shops And Thousands Of Products To Choose From.
You May Never Need To Use A Search Engine Again To Find The Right Online Shop Or Product You Need
All Shops Have Been Manually Check By Us For Their Product Quality And Security Before They Are Enter Into The Directory Listings
What's New At GoneToTown: The Online Shopping Mall:
At GoneToTown We Have Been Providing A Portal For People To Shop Online For Holidays, Travel Agents, Financial Companies And Just About Every Kind Of Online Shops That You Could Want Since 2002.
We Have Just under Gone a Complete Site Overall So That You Can Find the Right Shops, Products And Services, That You want Much More Quickly And Easily Than Before By Only Having To Accessing Just This One Website, To Find All Your Well-Known And Not So Well-Known Shops. We Have Also Included A New Product Listing Section For Each Product Category So That You Can See The Latest Products On Offer By The Shops. As Well As The New Product Searches To Allow You To Search For Products From Just One Shop Or Compare Products And Prices From Many Shops At The Same Time. Also New to Gonetotown the Shopping Voucher Codes and Promotional Sales Section, Bringing you the lasted shops sales and special offers and online discount codes, to help you save you money.
Why Shop At GoneToTown: The Online Shopping Mall:
Going online shopping can be overwhelming with so many online shops to choose from. Not knowing whether or not the shops are safe and secure or just another site trying to rip you of.
One of the drawbacks of online shopping is that when you use a search engine like google to find the shops that you are looking for on the internet. You would normally type in the search box something like (Sony digital camera) which is great you get thousands of result, but you would only probable look at the top ten to twenty of these results.
People who run Scam websites know this, and because of the way search engines list the websites in their search results it's not too hard for scammers to keyword a webpage to rank in the top twenty for a specific keyword phrases like (Sony digital camera). And from the thousand of search results listed by the search engine how would you know which of the website is a safe and secure website or a scam website, let alone which website is selling their goods to your country.
You probably would not until about a week or two later when nothing turns up at your home and the web site has mysteriously disappeared taking you money with it.
So how can you be sure of shopping at a safe and secure shop that is going to deliver the goods that you have purchased? When wading through all the brief titles and descriptions displayed in a search engines results, the answer to that is that you can't.
One of the best ways to make sure that you are shopping safely is to use a reputable online shopping mall like Gonetotown. As this type websites use afflation schemes to advertise the shops and products.
What is an affiliation scheme? This is where the person who runs an online shopping mall signs up with a reputable Affiliation Company like Affiliate Window / Tradedoubler or CJ's to name but a few. They then have their website vetted by the affiliation company and if approved can then through the affiliation company apply to shops to be able to display adverts of the shops on their webpage's by way of text links or banner Links.
What make this type of site secure, all the shops available through the affiliation companies have to pay the affiliation company up front to allow them to be advertises on other peoples websites like Gonetotown online shopping mall, no scammer ever what to pay for their online scam Site up front. Two the shops have to provide detailed information about themselves to the affiliation company like company address, phone numbers, bank details and more again no scam website can legitimately provide this type of information without being court out. Three the shops themselves will check the websites that apply to advertise their shops products and banners to make sure the site is of good standard and suitable for their product range. And for the web sites that are advertising the shops also have to provide detail information about themselves again such things as home address and phone numbers. Four all the shops listed in Gonetotown will have been manually checked and rated, making it much more difficult for Scam websites to be listed on Gonetotown.
So what other benefits are there to using an online shopping mall not just the fact of being able to shop knowing that you are using safe and secure shops, that are going send you the goods that you have purchase. Well one is that a good online shopping mall will have all the shops categorised in to an easy to use menu system. So that you can find many shops selling the products that you want, along with information about the shop and there product range as well as a rating system for the shops so you can get an idea of how good the shop is before you go shopping. Some online shopping mall like Gonetotown also provides product comparisons as well. Allowing you to not only view and go directly to all the shops home pages and their product range but also to be able to search through the product range of many shops allowing you to view and compare the prices of the products on the shopping mall it's self.
The rating system used by Gonetotown for the shops is based on the shops website quality and look their product range and the websites ease of use.
Please Note That GoneToTown Is Here Only To Provide A Shopping Directory Portal To The Online Stores / Product Searches / Voucher Codes And Promotional Sales, Financial Services, Holidays And Travel. And Can Not Be Held Responsible For Any Financial Loss. We Are Unable To Accept Any Responsibility Or Liability In The Unlikely Event Of A Dispute Between Vendor And Purchaser.
All The Online Shops On This Online Shopping Mall Have Been Manually Check For Quality And Security. All Banners and Promotional Advertisements Are Provided By The Leading Affiliates Company like Affiliate Window / Tradedoubler and CJ's.
http://www.gonetotown.co.uk/ / http://www.gonetotown.com/ / http://www.Shop-Online-At-The-Uk-Online-Shopping-Mall.Co.Uk/ / http://www.british-online-shops.co.uk/
Saturday, 18 February 2012
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